Fee Structure

Details of Fee Offr JCO OR Civilians
One Time Fee Registration 463.00 463.00 463.00 463.00
Admission 1852.00 926.00 637.00 8104.00
Security (Refundable) 9261.00 6367.00 4631.00 13892.00
Total 11576.00 7756.00 5731.00 22459.00
Annual Charges Digicamps SMS 165.00 165.00 165.00 165.00
Library 405.00 318.00 244.00 579.00
Building 405.00 318.00 244.00 868.00
Exam & Stationery 232.00 232.00 232.00 232.00
Games & Sports 405.00 318.00 244.00 776.00
Group insurance 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00
Playway (I to V) 174.00 151.00 116.00 232.00
School Journal (I to XII) 232.00 232.00 232.00 232.00
Total Annual Charge Class I-V 2148.00 1864.00 1607.00 3214.00
Total Annual Charge Class VI-XII 1974.00 1713.00 1491.00 2982.00
Class I-V Tution Fee 6824.00 6651.00 6303.00 14691.00
Pupils Fund 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
TAL Fee 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
Total Quarterly Fee 7658.00 7485.00 7137.00 16081.00
Class VI-VIII Tution Fee 7137.00 6964.00 6616.00 15299.00
Pupils Fund 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
TAL Fee 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
Total Quarterly Fee 7971.00 7798.00 7450.00 16689.00
Class IX-X Tution Fee 7623.00 7450.00 7275.00 15854.00
Pupils Fund 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
TAL Fee 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
Science Fee 139.00 139.00 139.00 208.00
Total Quarterly Fee 8596.00 8423.00 8248.00 17452.00
Class XI-XII            (Science with CS/IP) Tution Fee 8040.00 7692.00 7519.00 17017.00
Pupils Fund 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
TAL Fee 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
Science Fee 208.00 208.00 208.00 330.00
Computer Science/ Informatic Practices 313.00 313.00 313.00 660.00
Total Quarterly Fee 9395.00 9047.00 8874.00 19397.00
Class XI-XII (Science without CS/IP) Tution Fee 8040.00 7692.00 7519.00 17017.00
Pupils Fund 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
TAL Fee 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
Science Fee 208.00 208.00 208.00 330.00
Total Quarterly Fee 9082.00 8734.00 8561.00 18737.00
Class XI-XII (Com & Art with IP) Tution Fee 8040.00 7692.00 7519.00 17017.00
Pupils Fund 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
TAL Fee 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
Computer Science/ Informatic Practices 313.00 313.00 313.00 660.00
Total Quarterly Fee 9187.00 8839.00 8666.00 19067.00
Class XI-XII (Com & Art without IP) Tution Fee 8040.00 7692.00 7519.00 17017.00
Pupils Fund 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
TAL Fee 417.00 417.00 417.00 695.00
Total Quarterly Fee 8874.00 8526.00 8353.00 18407.00
Details of Classes Offr JCO OR  
  Class I-V 21382.00 17105.00 14475.00 41754.00
Class VI-VIII 21521.00 17267.00 14672.00 42130.00
Class IX-X 22146.00 17892.00 15470.00 42893.00
Class XI-XII(Sc. With CS/IP) 22945.00 18516.00 16096.00 44838.00
Class XI-XII (without CS/IP) 22632.00 18203.00 15783.00 44178.00
Class XI-XII (Com & Art with IP) 22737.00 18308.00 15888.00 44508.00
Class XI-XII (Com & Art without IP) 22424.00 17995.00 15575.00 43848.00
1.     Fee will be collected on quarterly basis between 05 to 15 of Apr, Jul, Sep and Jan through online mode.
2.    Thereafter, late fine will be charged as under:-
       (a) Upto 20th of the current month 100.00      
       (b) Upto1month 200.00      
       (c) Upto 2 months 400.00      
       (d) Upto 3 months 750.00      
Upto 20 days means between 16 to 20 of first month of quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct) 100.00
Upto one month means wef 21 to 30 of first month of quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct) 200.00
Upto two month means wef 01 to last date of 2nd month of quarter (Feb, May, Aug & Nov) 400.00
Upto three month means wef 01 to last date of 3rd month of quarterb(Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec) 750.00
Note.  After three months name will be struck off